Clinton County Auditor | Clinton County, Ohio

Special Assessments

As we prepare for the upcoming Tax Year 2024 and Calendar Year 2025, we would like to inform you of the updated deadlines and formats required for submitting your special assessments. Our new real estate tax system has significantly improved efficiency, allowing for the import of Excel files instead of the previous manual data entry process. This enhancement not only reduces the workload and increases productivity for your staff but also ensures greater accuracy in the data submitted, minimizing errors and the need for corrections.

Additionally, please note that the County Auditor will add a 5% collection fee as authorized under ORC 727.36 to defray the administrative costs associated with the expenses of collecting and distributing the special assessments.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Format: All special assessment lists must be emailed in the provided Excel template format. CLICK HERE FOR TEMPLATE: Document

  2. Columns Required: Parcel Number Lien Holder Legal Name Owner Address Location Legal Acres Benefited Acres Amount

  3. Data Entry Rules: There can only be one line per parcel, per project type. The total amount should be the aggregate for the entire year. Rows with duplicate parcel numbers will be flagged and sent back to the entity for correction.

  4. Submission Package: Along with the completed Excel file, you must email a certified copy of the resolution of the council authorizing the special assessment to be charged off by your entity and certified to the County Auditor for collection. Make sure your resolutions include a total by project type (examples: lot cleanup, delinquent water, delinquent sewer).

Email address for submission: Attn Deanna at liermanndl@clintoncountyohio.us

Deadline: The completed Excel file and the certified resolution must be emailed by the second Monday in September (9/9/24) by 4 p.m.

Please ensure that your submissions adhere to these guidelines to avoid any delays or errors in processing. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us streamline the assessment process with our new system. If you have any questions or require assistance with the Excel template, please do not hesitate to contact our office.